Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Goodbye, old friend

Time to say goodbye to the Subaru. I'm bummed, but I'm on to "greener" pastures. Get it? GET IT? Anyway, in cleaning out my car, I found a fantastic collection of stuff tucked in nooks and crannies and wanted to share.

July 2008 - A list of things to do before we moved into our current place. Yes, I look for any opportunity to go to Big Lots. What of it?

2004 - a receipt from Marshalls in Bristol, which no longer exists.

$5.35. I was certainly hoping for more.

I found no fewer than 17 writing utensils. Most of the pens worked, and I think that one shiny pencil is a Lisa Frank relic.

1998 - Tickets to a Monet exhibit in Boston. I'm sure that I took the opportunity to enjoy a cultural event and squandered it in a lovely teenage way by bitching about my feet hurting the whole time.

2004 - Hotel key from a lovely joint in White Haven, PA, just off of I-80. I had to stay there overnight on a drive from Ohio to Connecticut due to excessive ice and cars smashing into other cars. I ordered chicken fingers at 1:30 in the morning and then lay awake under the covers wondering when I would get axe murdered. Good times.

Summer 2003 - My distinguished nametag from my first semi-real job, where I got lots of fine CT training in having rich people complain, to be continued in later years through nannying and selling expensive ice cream.

June 2009 - a mini umbrella from Aquí es Mexico, a super-awesome family-owned Mexican/Salvadorean restaurant. We tried out their newest dessert option, churros with ice cream. Seeing as it's deep fried dough, you can't really do wrong, but these were so, so good. The novelty of the umbrella in the ice cream may have helped.

Really really old - New Britain Rockcats seat cushions stored under the hatch floor. Nothing better than traveling to the Land of the Lost Consonant to watch some minor league ball and be creeped out or delighted by meeting Rocky the Rockcat.

2007 - This is a special gift that came in a package of galletas surtidos (mixed cookies) that I bought as refreshments for a group English class. The CD provided us with endless hours of entertainment at the office, especially when the chorus of Spanish-speaking children sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus, or the classic "Dim, Dim." I can't find these anywhere online and I may have to resort to high-tech methods to get them posted.

2002 (?) - This is a Guster mix that I made. Yes, a mix CD. Before iPods. Taking it one step further, we had a program that let you design your own CD labels. I was particularly proud of this one, and I realized that I've used the same style on advertising posters I've made in previous jobs: Use one picture as the background, type out the info, and then take a nap. Very easy.

2007 - Remember all those words I learned in my continued studies Chinese class? Yeah, me neither.

No idea when or where these tissues are from, but the monkeys sure are cute.

hopefully 2009 - I remember loving this flavor in fifth grade. Nothing's changed.

2008 - Slip with the call numbers for Reviving Ophelia. Mildly interesting, though outdated book. Terrible class. I literally had to do a book report on it. Yes, you're reading the date right; this was for grad school. Good news: I got an A.

You may heard the urban legend of the girl who went to a job fair one day. Without a nice bag, and not wanting to look frumpy, she decided to put her keychain, wallet, and phone in the car, and just carry around the key to the car with her resumés. She told herself she wouldn't lose it, she wouldn't lose it, she just wouldn't. Ten minutes later, it was definitely gone. After scouring the parking lot, asking at the front desk, but before crawling around on the floor in front of potential employers, she walked the 45 minutes to a place that had a phone and computer. Those who were around that day say it was about 100 degrees. Though she had to explain multiple times that she couldn't just get the car unlocked to get the key, that she had locked all of her things in the car and essentially thrown out the key, she persevered. With prayers and many many many forceful phone calls, the magical Subaru fairies eventually took pity on her and granted her a new key, at no charge. Her tale is one of perseverance, but also stupidity, as she thought the key she had lost was the only one in existence. With the Subaru gone, this other key is what remains of her legacy, as she found it in the bottom of the glove compartment while cleaning out the car.

Please share any other fond memories that you may have, or weird stuff you've found in your own car. I'm wondering how a site called crapifoundinmycar.com might take off. Kind of like postsecret.com or that site where people post lost gloves, but with a different twist of automotive memories.

1 comment:

  1. when i was 10 i wrote a letter on a napkin to the eventual next owner of our minivan, with instructions on how to find some treasure buried in alaska somewhere (one stipulation was you had to wear shorts and a t-shirt or the treasure wouldn't appear - hilarious to a 10-year-old). i put the letter under the detachable cup holder and it stayed there for 12 years. when my parents decided to junk the broken-beyond-repair van i rooted through it and found the letter. being 22 by then, and clearly much more mature, i no longer found my joke letter as hilarious, but that didn't stop me from transfering it to the new van. we'll see what further adventures this pop-and-car-grease-stained napkin has....
