Sunday, July 31, 2011

me + sewing machine = ?

I have too much stuff. Some of it I can just banish; the rest of it needs a better, more compact home, that keeps it out of sight until it is actually needed. For example, whenever we are looking for a silly little document (the car registration renewal, for example) it is almost always hiding under a pile of my knitting crap.

Inspired by an idea for a knitting needle case on Design Sponge, I set to work. I was full of energy, and I do need a needle case, and aren't those photos pretty? It was one of those projects that seems like the best idea ever, and something that will definitely go well. I must go buy the canvas! I will measure and fold and calculate the things! I will dust off my sewing machine and just pick back up from where I left it in middle school  - sewing machines aren't that hard, right?

It's been a few weeks and it's finally done - sort of. It's full of crazy, drunken stitch lines, with loose ends everywhere. The canvas is uneven and I sort of forgot to consider backstitching to, you know, keep the threads in. However, it looks relatively cute and holds my needles. I'd love to find some number/letter stamps as shown on Design Sponge, and figure out other ways to add some details that cover up all the whoopsies. Hopefully this is just the first of many forays back into sewing machine projects. If enough people ask me if a kid that I'm babysitting made the needle case for me, I may direct my energies elsewhere.

And mom? Remember the Christmas where you got me the sewing machine, and while it was still wrapped up   I was convinced it was a Playstation, and then I opened it and it was not a Playstation and I threw a fit and refused to look at it for months and months? Sorry about that. For the record, sewing machines are definitely way cooler than video game systems. Unless we're talking about playing Mario Kart, which could make it a toss-up.

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